<---------(this is alot of snow)
So lemme tell ya how i love weather men and woman in Kansas City. Since last week all they've talked about is how much snow we will get today and yesterday. I woke up this morning like, OK get ready for 6-10 inches of snow I'm gonna have to leave early for work. Little to my surprise I wake up to rain and it being 37 degrees. Finally around 7 o'clock the rain turned to ice and ice into snow. The kicker is that 1-10 inches of snow we were supposed to get turned into about 1/2 an inch. I just don't get how weather people keep a job. If anyone did their job as bad as these people did we would all be fired. The bad NEWS is, is that Kansas City has had the same weather men for years. Brian Busby, Joe Lauria, Mike Thompson, Gary Lesaic and now that some what hot chick Katie Horner. I mean these people have been here since I was born you'd think they have some instinct on when to call a storms bluff and not pump our head fulla shit. I mean they get this in our brains that its gonna be bad and seldom ever turns in that way. I am no meteorologist but come on can it be that hard? This is whats gonna happen one day: They are gonna say OK 6-500 inches of snow in the next 3 days everybody be ready. We are all gonna be like yeah right Weather dude I aint fallin for this one again. Then we will go about our day doing god knows what,then BOOOOOM 374 inches of snow fall and we are stuck stranded and like my dad used to say up shit creek without a paddle. I just wanna say weather is not a game and there has to be better forecasting available. These people suck. OK im off my soap box, but like they say here in Kansas if ya don't like the weather now wait 5 minutes and it'll change.
katie has been around since i was a tike. she aint new