I would like to start this with a disclaimer: I do not support or condone what Tiger Woods did.
Yeah yeah yeah HE CHEATED! A lot! Who cares? I don't and neither should you. I enjoyed watching Tiger kick ass and take names on the golf course. We aren't buddies, pals or homeboys.He is not my Idol, he is a guy that gets paid to entertain me. He doesn't owe me or you or anyone but his wife and family an apology. I have sat back and waited for this article to be written so I wouldn't jump the gun. I'm glad I did that because now heeeeessss baaaaaaaaaaccccckkkk. He is coming back to the biggest stage in golf, Augusta National home of the Masters. People are looking at this issue the complete wrong way. Tiger didn't kill dogs, kill his wife, hit someone and kill them drunk driving or shoot himself in the leg in a night club. He cheated on his wife and that is between them, not the world. I'm tired of hearing how all these kids looked up to him and how much he meant to them. Kids need real idols and role models not a sports star or a musician.Its fine for them to look up and enjoy watching them. However if your feelings get hurt because they did something " out of their character". Guess what 99.9% of us are going to make a mistake we wish we could take back and when that time comes we are going to want that same forgiveness.Cause guess what looking up to a athlete or musician will do nothing more than leave you disappointed in the end. Its almost as bad as putting all your trust in the government right now ( that's a whole nother blog). Listen none of what he did was right but it wasn't the end of the world. All this just shows me that guess what the man i once thought was a model human being and mistake free, simply isn't hes human after all.The great mighty Tiger Woods is just like me and you except he has a lot of money and can beat us in golf. I just cant wait to see what people are going to say WHEN not IF, Tiger goes Tiger and destroys the field at Augusta. You gotta be kidding me if yup think for one minute this guy isn't going to come out playin anything other than spectacular golf. The guys has drive and determination Ive never seen before. If anybody can do this its going to be him .Hes already playing practice rounds at Augusta, sharpening his skills in Amen Corner ( 11,12 and 13 holes). The only thing he has struggled with there before if short game, if that gets goin look out. It will be epic, yet another amazing tiger woods story to talk about. Tiger Woods is the most dominant sports star ever. Yes I said it EVER, not even 45 (Michael Jordan) Kobe, Bo, Elway,Favre, Aaron,Yaz or any other wonderful athlete can compare to him. What he has done in such a short time, picking and choosing when he plays. He doesn't play every week. Hell Tiger doesn't play more than prolly 10 tourneys all season. But guess what he has held down the number one golfer spot for 250 straight weeks and 592 weeks total in his career. He has 71 wins 3rd all time behind Nicklaus and Snead. He has 14 majors 2nd all time behind the Golden Bear. Tiger Woods is only 32 years old. He has got 10 to 15 years left on the PGA tour. I don't know about you but i wanna be able to see him play for a long time. His career will go down in history and yeah people will prolly always bring up the cheating scandal of 2009. But lets be real for a minute and remember he didn't cheat at the game he didn't take hgh or steroids. We are condiming this man for his personal life. A personal life none of us are apart of. So lets get one thing clear Tiger Woods the golfer is amazing that's the man we all know Tiger the golfer not Eldrick Woods the son, husband and father. So public sit back shut up dont judge people and enjoy Tiger Woods the 9th wonder of the world.